Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sane, Insane.

Hello anyone.
Today came married to the recurrence of the 'creepy staring guy', his second appearance. He has watched me, slightly hangover, lying on some grass for about an hour, followed me onto a bus, asked me where the bus was headed, smiled at me like a clown every time I glanced over to check if he was still watching, followed me to the female toilets before veering off to the males and, waited around directly outside my bus window staring at me with no subtly. Obviously he has some kind of mental imbalance, maybe just issues with socialising or something of the like. The problem is it is not a noticeable mental illness, he would seem to be completely normal if not for his stalker type behaviour. Today I put on my creepy shoes and followed him, he just went into a shop and had a regular conversation with the shop keeper, before seeing me and flashing a big smile; I don't think I really helped my situation with that brilliant idea. I am currently mulling over if, next time, I should confront him. The problem being that if I do it would most likely go down something like, ME: hi. HIM: hello. ME (chickening out): how's it going? HIM: good. ME (freaking out): oh, cool, bye. I strongly doubt it would do anything but provoke him...

Will report next sighting.

tautological oxymoron

Hello anyone.
I have a newfound love for oxymorons. If done well their witty contradictions can turn my knees to jelly while producing a large smirk on my face. Most sensible people would let such an unrequited love fly under the radar or, at least wait to declare it, not this sensible lass. I have the all-to-annoying habit of thinking up a marvellous idea, screaming it from the rooftops then, regretting it profusely yet, following through to ensure my ideas have future credibility; my current crush on oxymorons, I doubt will be any different.

Awake Sleeping

Hello anyone.
This is, as may be obvious, my first post; it would come as a pleasant surprise if anyone were to read this. I have decided to use this as a way to keep track of my oh so interesting life, while organising my many thoughts and opinions. I started to write this post last night/this morning around midnight, before I bullied my myself in to shutting my laptop and trying to get some shut eye. From there it then took me at least an hour to get to sleep, even though I could hardly keep my eyes open. What I don't understand is, how I can be directly related to a man who falls asleep during conversation, while watching television or with multiple people having a not so quiet chat less than 2 meters away from his bed? It takes my father all of 5 minutes to get to sleep. HOW IS THAT FAIR? While grown men slumber away in their beds, us 'kids' get left up to our own devices. Who ever thought up how sleeping patterns worked, didn't do a very good job; while my dad's asleep who knows all the mischief I could get up to. Perhaps I steal cars and set things alight? My dad wouldn't have a clue.. I guess I'll have to figure out a way to either reduce my father’s compatibility with sleep or increase mine... For the good of the world.